Thursday, 29 November 2018

Prayer Shawl Christmas Lunch

The Prayer Shawl Group enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Lunch on Thursday November 29th!

Christmas Comfort Service

The Caledonia Ministerial Association is having a Christmas Comfort Service
Wednesday December 12th
7:00 pm
at the Caledonia Presbyterian Church

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Advent Reflections

Empowered & Empowering Women: An Advent Reflection on Women in the Bible from Eve to Mary
The Reverend Robert Mitchell, parish priest of St. Olave’s Anglican Church in the Diocese of Toronto, connects stories of courage and resilience exemplified by women in the Bible with stories of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) programs. When you subscribe to PWRDF's free Advent resource, you will receive a devotional in your inbox each morning during Advent. The entire resource will also be available as a PDF download. Click here to subscribe or to learn more.

Thank God it's Family Friday!

Friday November 30th 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Come join us for a casual worship, including music, setting of the nativity and a family meal
Call the office at 905-765-2779 for more details or to RSVP

Christmas Craft and Bake Sale - November 24th

Saturday November 24th here at St. Paul's in the Parish Hall

Immediately following the Santa Claus Parade

Crafts, baked goods, silent auction